This is the question that many parents ask themselves: at what age can I open an account for my child? 

Today, many banks offer the opening of bank accounts for minors. Often it is your own banks which make you attractive offers to open an account for your children. 

But do they really correspond to a child of 10, 12 or even 14 years old? Do they meet parents' needs in terms of security, parental controls and visibility into spending? 

Bloon explains everything to you in this article 👇🏼

The minimum age to open an account for my child

The minimum age required to obtain a bank card varies depending on each banking establishment. In France, most banks allow minors to open a bank account at age 12, with the authorization of their parents or legal guardians. 

At Bloon, we offer you the opportunity to open an account from the age of 10!  And yes, it's 2023, and children are getting used to all these new payment methods. OUR interface adapts to all ages. It is intended to be simple and fun for young children and detailed for teenagers. 

How do I receive my bank card with Bloon?

At the house of Bloon, as soon as you open your account, we send you your bank card directly to your home with a confidential security code and access to our great mobile application! 

We also offer you the possibility of activating the functionality of contactless payment. It allows you to pay for your purchases by simply touching the payment terminal and it is an easy-to-use option for children. 

It is important to know that the credit card we offer is suitable for children and without overdraft. 

But what is a bank card for for a child?

Today, the bank card is THE means of payment the most used. It is used to make payments at merchants, withdraw money from ATMs, or even make online payments. 

According to studies, we can now ensure that children prefer money to gifts. Our children are increasingly asking for access to an account to make online shopping but also card payments. 

Bloon helps worry parents a secure, fully managed solution. You can require, for example, systematic authorization for each purchase. 

The advantage? Our solution is inexpensive compared to other types of bank cards.

Bloon advocates safety above all!

Unlike traditional banks, it's up to you to choose features that you allow or not allow your child. You have a wide choice of filters which allows you secure management and visibility on your children's financial actions. 

You can choose where and when they use their money, limit their daily or monthly spending, set a maximum budget, establish a withdrawal limit, etc. You are the master of the game! 

You can authorize payments only on payment terminals and support them with online payments. Everything is visible from the mobile application linked to your bank account.

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